author: Olha Maksymets
publication date: Apr 12, 2024
The company hosted a lecture where we enthusiastically explored Next.js under the guidance of experienced developer - Mykyta. Together, we glimpsed into the future of web development and discovered numerous intriguing possibilities of this innovative framework.
Introduction to Next.js: Starting with the basics, Mykyta introduced us to the concepts and functionality of Next.js, helping us understand why this tool is becoming increasingly popular among web developers.
Advantages of Next.js: We delved into the differences between a classic React app and using Next.js, identifying the advantages of the latter in creating powerful and scalable web applications.
Routing in Next.js: We learned about various routing options in Next.js, including App Router and Pages Router, and discovered when it's best to use each of them.
Working with Images: We immersed ourselves in image optimization in Next.js, exploring methods of prefetching, remote pattern configuration, and image caching.
Practical Application: At the end of the lecture, Nikita conducted a practical demonstration of working with Next.js, showing how to effectively apply the acquired knowledge in practice.
Conclusion: The Next.js lecture with Nikita Porkhomenko was an excellent opportunity to glimpse into the future of web development and master new tools and technologies. We are grateful to Nikita for the informative and engaging lecture and look forward to applying our new knowledge in practice.
Speaker: Mykyta Parkhomenko