In our company, we actively use React Native to streamline mobile app development for iOS and Android by leveraging a single codebase, improving efficiency, and ensuring a...
SchemaWizard is a simple, OOP-based Java library for automated, cross-database schema migrations, offering ease of use, Java code migrations, and extensibility while eliminating...
Our team organized an incredible online New Year's corporate party that brought together our entire talented team. This exciting evening was filled with interesting games and New...
Message brokers are essential for ensuring efficient, reliable communication between services, enabling both synchronous and asynchronous interactions, and helping to build...
Next.js transforms the way we build web applications, blending performance, scalability, and innovation into a single powerful framework.
Full-stack development with technologies like React and Express.js accelerates the creation of scalable, high-performing web applications, offering increased productivity and...
A lecture on Strapi, which discussed the basics of CMS, the advantages of the headless approach, and the convenience of using Strapi for content management. Demonstration of...
Experience instant startup with Serverless Spring Boot on AWS Lambda for rapid deployment and scaling.
Connecting scales to Healthcare application using React Native and Bluetooth Low Energy
Discover how our latest soft skills training session helped enhance teamwork, improve communication, and foster a more cohesive and effective work environment.
Testing is not just about checking the code, but a key stage that ensures the stability, reliability, and development of your applications.
Real-time technologies enable instant data synchronization between client and server, enhancing user experience. They are used in chats, notifications, tracking, monitoring, and...
Quality as a priority. Efficiency as an advantage.
Project success as the main goal.
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