Strapi: Modern Content Management

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Strapi: Modern Content Management

Strapi: Modern Content Management

author: Olha Maksymets

publication date: Jun 3, 2024

Sergey Bogdan, softwaere engeener, presented a fascinating lecture on one of the most advanced technologies in content management - Strapi. Sergiy shared with the audience his knowledge and experience in using this powerful headless CMS that changes approaches to web application development.

What is a CMS and why is it convenient?

At the beginning of the lecture, Sergiy explained what a CMS (Content Management System) is and why they are extremely convenient for creating and managing content. CMS allows you to easily create, edit, and publish content without deep technical knowledge, which makes this tool indispensable for many companies and developers.

Strapi: Headless CMS without a Head

The main topic of the lecture was Strapi, a headless CMS. Sergey explained in detail why Strapi has no head. This means that the backend and frontend are separated, which allows developers to choose any technology stack to display content, be it React, Vue, Angular, or any other platform.

Strapi's usability and flexibility

One of the key topics was explaining how Strapi makes the content management process convenient and flexible. Sergiy demonstrated how easy it is to install Strapi with one command in the terminal and set up a project with a SQLite database. He also showed how to use the admin panel to create and edit content types.

Important Concepts and Functions

Sergiy also talked about important concepts, such as the connection between the English word “populate”, data, and REST API. He explained how you can become a backend developer without having deep knowledge in this area thanks to Strapi's user-friendly interface and features.

Benefits for Developers

During the lecture, the benefits of using Strapi were discussed in detail. These include the ability to customize the data structure in a matter of minutes, a user-friendly interface for adding and editing records, and support for many field types: text, numbers, dates, media, and others.


The lecture was a real eye-opener for many attendees who were first introduced to Strapi's capabilities. It demonstrated how modern technologies can greatly simplify the content management process and give developers flexibility and freedom in choosing tools.

Strapi is a revolutionary tool that can change the way we develop web applications, and this lecture helped many people understand its advantages and capabilities.

Speaker: Serhii Bohdan