
Real estate marketplace & social network

WebsiteSocial networks & Marketplaces
IntelliCeedCase studies

Real estate marketplace & social network

Real estate marketplace & social network

Project description

A Real Estate platform is a world’s first social network for real estate purposes. The platform allows property owners, agents, and developers to sell or rent their real estate objects as well as use the platform as a domain social network. Having previous successful experience in marketing, social networking, and real estate projects the client came up with an idea of a custom Real Estate portal creation. In addition with buying, selling, or renting services, users can easily expand their network, speak with domain professionals, creating marketing campaigns, etc. The main goal of the project is to become a one stop shop and advertising place for all related to Real Estate companies and businesses. Users are passing through an advanced verification process which means that only real companies and individuals will appear in the system. Networking tools like feed, navigation, advanced search, and recommendation enable usage the platform as a white label Real Estate social network. Extended paid services were created in accordance to different user’s occupations and targeted to fasten the selling/renting processes.



Core functionality

  • Social networking - adding friends, posting comment.
  • Advertising of real estate and its related services and product.
  • Participating in company and group news discussion.
  • Sharing news and updates, post articles.
  • Extended search (location, purpose, type, price range) and
map integration.
  • XML feeds support to show, manage large number of
  • Promoting companies and properties.
  • Property and company verification to ensure the most relevant
and valid content.
  • Virtual tours, offline tours with agents and 3D view.


Project challenges

  • Overall Performance.
  • Extended search performance.
  • Advanced Google map integration.
  • Graph of relations implementation.
  • Recommendation engine.
  • Company, property documents verification flow implementation.
  • Chat and notifications implementation.
  • SEO optimization.



Delivered by IntelliCeed Inc, a Real Estate social networking platform is a digital solution allowing easily sell or rent the property. Real Estate companies and individuals now can participate in a deep network of domain experts.


  • Convenient & Flexible networking opportunities.
  • Wide variety of properties.
  • Advanced user verification.
  • Access to the white-label community.
  • Speed up selling/renting processes.
  • Easy specification/ property type/ location/ price matching.
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Technology stack


React.js, Redux, Redux Saga, Redux Form, dayjs, axios, lodash, Bootstrap, WebSockets (sockjs-client), React Google Maps API, React-helmet.



Java 11, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Actuator, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, OAuth 2.0, Rabbit MQ, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Flyway, JWT, Quartz.



Team structure

Senior Back-end developer (Java).

Middle Back-end developer (Java).

Senior Front-end developer (React).

Middle Front-end developer (React).

Project manager.



Development hours


Unit tests


Months of development


People in the team

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