
Healthcare staffing marketplace platform

IntelliCeedCase studies

Healthcare staffing marketplace platform

Healthcare staffing marketplace platform

Project background

The health workforce is at the centre of every health system and is key to achieving universal health coverage.


The health and social sector is a fast-growing sector in many countries; for instance, around 1 in 10 jobs in OECD countries are in the health and social sector. However, many countries are also grappling with major health workforce challenges such as critical shortages in the supply of workers, an inadequate mix of skills in the workforce, inequitable geographical distribution of health workers, and gaps in their competencies, motivation and performance.


(*World Health Organisation )


Every day healthcare companies struggle to find enough clinicians to serve their patients. On the other hand, clinicians feel inconvenience in setting up their personal schedule while working in different places.


The client came to us with the idea of a white-label healthcare staff marketplace that can help:


  • Reduce costs and timelines of the hiring process in healthcare companies.
  • Healthcare providers to find the best fit to work with in terms of available work hours and conditions.
  • Find the most specialized healthcare professionals for clinics, hospitals, telemedicine companies, etc.
  • Create a convenient system of scheduling and planning working hours for clinicians


Project description

The clinician marketplace platform enables finding the perfect match between clinics, hospitals, telemedicine companies and healthcare providers. Installed verification systems help to meet the most experienced clinicians. The platform is rich in tools which allow clinicians to set their own schedule and work in available hours. Companies access a deep network and can use flexible search by location, license type, specialisation, and availability.


Core functionality

  • Integration with services that verify the customers’ identities through ID documents, selfies, and government databases.
  • Integration with the medical register with a list of doctors, showing their registration status, training and other useful information.
  • Integration which allows employers to check employees' criminal convictions.
  • Setting up clinicians’ availability.
  • Expired credentials date check.
  • Booking appointment ability.



Delivered by IntelliCeed Inc, a healthcare staff marketplace platform is a digital solution allowing clinicians to be more flexible and deliver more care to people. Healthcare companies now can participate in a deep network of the most professional physicians.


  • Convenient & Flexible scheduling for healthcare providers.
  • Numerous work opportunities in one place.
  • Easy credentials verification fastens the hiring process.
  • Digital health now becomes a reality in staffing.
  • Access to the global white-label community.
  • Speed up hiring processes - faster healthcare delivery.
  • Easy specialisation/ licence type/ location/ availability matching.
  • Ability to check employees criminal convictions.
Healthcare gallery image
Healthcare gallery image

Technology stack


React.js, Redux, Redux Saga, Redux Form, Axios, Lodash, Bootstrap, React-router-dom.



Java 11, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring Data JPA, Spring Actuator, Spring Cloud, Spring Security, OAuth 2.0, Hibernate, PostgreSQL, Flyway, JWT, AWS Textract, AWS S3, AWS SQS, Mapstruct, Jakarta XML Binding, Lombok, SendGrid, GoogleAPI.


Team structure


Two Back-end developers

Two Front-end developers

Project manager


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